Here she is, this is from Whitney's senior portrait "studio" shoot!

She is so beautiful, and a natural model. I am so thrilled that one of hers was chosen! Best of luck to you, Whitney!!
In other news, we have had a new addition to our family. Yes, we have a new baby. Her name is Sushi. That's right, Sushi. She is the cutest little Chinese Pug ever!! Here are couple scrap layouts I did of her.

This kit is called Missy Ann, and it's by Kimberly Giarrusso, and is available at

The kit for this layout is called All Things New, and its' a complilation kit by the designers at
And here's just a really cute shot of her. It looks like to me she's thinking, "Do I look like I'm kidding? LOL. Isn't she just the cutest???? She's my buddy! She follows me everywhere I go, and sleeps at my feet under my desk all day long!

I'm also excited to tell you that I'm going to be selling my Digital ScrapBook designs at a new store starting next week! It's a secret for now, but stay tuned for that unveiling!!!
Well, the kids are out on spring break. So mom gave us some money and let me take them to the movies this afternoon. We went and saw, "Night at the Museum." If you haven't seen it yet, you gotta! It's really a great movie, very fun and full of energy! The kids just loved it!
I guess that's all for now. I promise, I'm going to start doing a better job blogging. I've been trying to get my digi scrap business going, and I've neglected my portrait blog! I've got some great new engagement pix to share, and two weddings coming up! So that will bring lots of new pictures!
Stay tuned for some contests and prizes too! Lots of exciting things coming! Thanks for reading, I'm glad you decided to!
It's all good,
Congrats Da on that GORGEOUS finalist:) She is BEE--UTIFUL!!!!!! WOWZERS!!!!
Congrats on your new addtion too..cute!!!!!
BEAUTIFUL! you are an artist!
hey girl! I have been seriously missing you!! Hope you are doing good!!
Jess M.
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