Well, I was just devastated. I cried, I prayed . . . I cried some more. Every time I thought about calling my friends to tell them I cried. It was just an awful feeling. To make it worse, my kids were the ring bearer and flower girl. It was Camryn's only opportunity to be a flower girl. She looked so beautiful, we had gone and had her hair done at a salon and everything. And of course Jackson was his usual debonaire self. They did such a wonderful job coming down the isle . . . and I had lost these precious memories forever.
I did two things. I prayed like crazy. And I posted my dilema on my portrait 101 group. I really just posted there to get some pity. Someone to tell me it wasn't my fault, to understand how traumatic this was for me. I knew they would get it.
They did send me love, hugs and comforting words. But more than that, they went into action. Many of them PRAYED HARD for me. Some of them had ideas for things I could try to recover them. I'm particulary thankful to some software recommended by Nicole Kessel. I can't think of the name of it now, will get that and post it here, but I downloaded it. Tried it out, and it pulled up about 400 pictures off my memory card. 100 or so of those were from the wedding!! I didn't get any of the ceremony, or before stuff, but I got the bridal portraits, the pix of the couple, and the family shots, and the reception! So, miraculously I have something to give the happy couple.
I tell you what prayer and networking make things happen! So, a special thanks to the Lord God for helping me out, and for blessing me with these wonderful friends who are full of knowledge and know how. The combination made my miracle happen!
So now . . . I thought I'd show you a couple of the miracle pictures.

Thanks for looking!
How wonderful, Dale Ann! I can image the panic (oh mi gosh) and then the sweet relief!
God is good!
DA... I am overjoyed that software I recommended was able to help you! I think the software is called Photorecovery from Art Plus.
Those images are beautiful! Thank goodness you were able to recover them!
Oh my!!! I am so happy for you! I can't even imagine your thoughts as you were going through that!! These are absolutely beautiful in every way! I love the tones and the light...the details that you captured are out of this world beautiful!!! Someone is going to be VERY please with you and your work....someone to have these forever and to cherish!!! Beautiful work girlfriend!!!!!!! :o) Chas~
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